
lol (go back »)

June 23 2007, 9:41 AM

well yesterday was interesting.... i guess it was.... my sister called out this one girl and yeah it will all go down at 12:00 at the park!! but idk i didnt do ne thing wrong with it idk whan to do...i just dont want to see my sis get hurt cuz i am kinda protective of her.... Well whan i sy protective i mean if she comes home and says this person hit her i am tempted to kick there ass.... but sometimes i dont cuz she tells me not to... idk i uess she knows that i will do it.... who knows i just needed to ge this off my mind........................Well the guy i like doesnt have a gurl friend ne more but she is in denial of it all.... poor her is what she always trys to ge from everyone but u know what comes with  the poor me act..... BULLSHIT and i know everyone hates BS but she drags everyone into it idk y but she thinks that i have a crappy family and crappy friends when she was beatten by her dad and i wasnt and i still live with my family she moved out and now lives with her meme and pepe... and friend wise i have great friends friends that listen and care like my bestfriend is........ HER EX BOYFRIEND!!!! yeah that is right and i told her that and she said that he isnt my friend!! lol wow that was a good joke cuz i always have to put him in a good mood when she brings him down even though he does it 4 him self as well but i am just there to imbras the happiness in him... i guess cuz tha is the only way i can think of doing it... IDK what to do.... let my sis fight my best friends ex girlfriend and risk losing his friedship 4 ever?? NO that wont happen cuz i wont et our friendship go to waste cuz of my sis i know better and i know what i can do!!! jus idk


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  • 16 years old


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