
Same as the others

my life is like a sauna!!


June 23 2007, 9:41 AM

well yesterday was interesting.... i guess it was.... my sister called out this one girl and yeah it will all go down at 12:00 at the park!! but idk i didnt do ne thing wrong with it idk whan to do...i just dont want to see my sis get hurt cuz i am kinda protective of her.... Well whan i sy protective i mean if she comes home and says this person hit her i am tempted to kick there ass.... but sometimes i dont cuz she tells me not to... idk i uess she knows that i will do it.... who knows i just needed to ge this off my mind........................Well the guy i like doesnt have a gurl friend ne more but she is in denial of it all.... poor her is what she always trys to ge from everyone but u know what comes with  the poor me act..... BULLSHIT and i know everyone hates BS but she drags everyone into it idk y but she thinks that i have a crappy family and crappy friends when she was beatten by her dad and i wasnt and i still live with my family she moved out and now lives with her meme and pepe... and friend wise i have great friends friends that listen and care like my bestfriend is........ HER EX BOYFRIEND!!!! yeah that is right and i told her that and she said that he isnt my friend!! lol wow that was a good joke cuz i always have to put him in a good mood when she brings him down even though he does it 4 him self as well but i am just there to imbras the happiness in him... i guess cuz tha is the only way i can think of doing it... IDK what to do.... let my sis fight my best friends ex girlfriend and risk losing his friedship 4 ever?? NO that wont happen cuz i wont et our friendship go to waste cuz of my sis i know better and i know what i can do!!! jus idk


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June 15 2007, 10:22 AM

i want to kill so many ppl right now!! well there is this one girl that is just so AHAHAHAHAH and she likes to start so much shit cuz she likes to be the center of attention but i only know like 3 ppl who really like her it is crazy..... then this guy that broke up with my sister and then went for this other girl but the worst part is is he planed to do it!! then the last person is the girl my sis ex is dating cuz she dumpt another friend of mine to get with him!!! AHAHAHAH yeah i know bad buti really do want to kill them


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June 9 2007, 9:14 AM

i feel so bad for this kid Ran because he was suppose to go to 6 flags but only if it didnt rain... but it is raining i fel so bad 4 him cuz this is the 2nd week in a row!!!


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June 8 2007, 5:54 PM

Im bored and i dont know y but i am crying! Well kinda crying i guess! well i am thinking about what happened today but nothing bad happened to me but all my friends had a bad day so so did i! idk if u dont know what i mean then u dont know what i am feeling! like i said before i am like a dr. phil to every one but whateva g2g ttyl


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June 8 2007, 10:44 AM

Well there is tons of drama today in school!!! well today this guy is like blah and he likes to start drama but he hates to be in it but today it is different and he was in the middle of it.... well i said was because i got him out of it because it is the guy i like and if he doesnt like something i will do my best to keep him out of it but that is just me!!!! well i try to stay out of it 2 but i always find myself trying to help others..... kind of like a Dr. Phil to every one!! idk that is just me though!! well g2g ttyl i hope


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  • Female
  • 16 years old


Entries 14
Comments 1
Page views 788
Last update Jun 23, 2007

